
My Approach

The heart of all the work I do is both inclusive and relational. My approach values ways of relating that are steeped in authenticity, inclusivity, compassion, empowerment, and wonder. Supporting people as they connect to their ancestors is explored in a grounded and heart-centered way of relating with one another and all of our kin, both human (living & ancestral) and other-than-human alike. The work I do is rooted in an animist worldview that holds all beings including other-than-humans (animal; plant; stone; mountain; valley; fungi; elemental; weather; land and spirit deities) as having consciousness with their own unique, legitimate essence, wisdom, magic, and way of being in the world, each with a great deal to teach us about being a part of the greater web of life and death. 

As a white American, I'm critically aware that my presence on the land which I live today is a direct result of settler and colonial violence. Understanding that this country was founded on the double genocide of both people indigenous to Turtle Island and African-ancestored people, I hold strongly to the principle that personal, family, and spiritual healing is inextricably linked to collective earth and cultural repair work. I am committed to furthering these ethics and remain devoted to ensuring that my approach to this work is rooted in both accountability and reparation, while being undertaken with a framework focused on social justice, radical liberation. relational transformation, and healing for all beings.